A FREE virtual workshop to help you determine the main contributing factors to your:

~plantar fasciitis~

~numbness and burning~

~Achilles issues~

~chronically tight ankles and calves~

...so that you can stop randomly treating your symptom flare ups and finally address the root cause so that you can run pain free, longer and faster, for good!


Wednesday, September 25th at 12pm EST or 7pm EST

Same training, two times. Once you register, you choose which one works best for you. 


Stop Randomly Managing Foot Symptoms!
Identify the Root Cause!

If you are experiencing foot symptoms like:

Plantar fasciitis
Achilles issues
Numbness or burning while running
Chronically tight ankles and calves

And these symptoms are keeping you feeling frustrated and defeated:

You are not making any progress in running because of managing foot symptoms. The only thing that really “works” is backing off the volume/intensity or progressing so slowly that every training cycle feels like you're banging your head against a wall.

You sign up for a race, get the training plan, and in few weeks in already adjusting because symptoms flare up; or

You make it to your peak training weeks and then the symptoms flare up, you spend the last weeks before the race doing everything you can think of to just hang on as long as you can and filled with anxiety over how it will hold up on race day.

You’ve got foam rollers and LAX balls scattered around your house thinking “this is just my life now and this pain is part of the process” stealing away the joy and freedom that drew you into running in the first place.


Go beyond simply trying to manage your symptoms on the surface level with the rolling, stretching and icing and identify the root cause so that you can run pain free, longer and faster, for good!

What To Expect

Once you register:

Select the from the two time options on the confirmation page.

You’ll receive the link to join live and all the supporting resources via email. If you don't see the initial email within 10 minutes, check your junk folder. And if you still don't see it, email me: [email protected]


On Wednesday, September 24th:

Show up for one of the live zoom calls at either 12pm EST or 7pm EST.

On that 1-hour-call I will walk you through my holistic 4-point assessment process to identify the main contributing factors to YOUR foot symptoms. 

You’ll leave with an action plan to address those main contributing factors so that you are no longer aimlessly treating your symptoms on the surface level and instead have a clear path toward addressing the root cause once and for all.

No more letting symptom management get in the way of your running progress!


“I spent a lot of time in pelvic floor PT and I had done work with a gait PT. Through that, looking back, I feel like I had started doing all of the "right" things, but didn't necessarily have the understanding to put them together. [Working with Alison] really helped because we went really deep into that. I had so many aha moments, like ‘oh, that's why they were having me do that exercise.’ The connection between my pelvic floor, feet and hips now all make so much more sense. I’m really just kind of learning to become the detective and caretaker of my own body.” 

Corey T

Register for The Foot Audit Now

You will only need to attend one of the scheduled workshops. They will both be the same.
You will select which time you plan to attend on the confirmation page.

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