The Ultimate Hip Strengthening Program for Female Runners


Feel strong, stable and more powerful in your stride while eliminating frustrating aches and pains.




Your hip, knee, and or IT band chronically bothers you, especially when you build up your mileage.
You feel tight constantly but can never tell if the stretching is actually working.
You’ve been doing all the clamshells and lateral band walks but don’t feel like it’s really translating into your running; your stride feels heavy and inefficient.
With Strong & Stable you will improve your range of motion, strength and dynamic stability. You will feel strong, stable and more powerful in your stride while eliminating frustrating aches and pains.


Specific Action

  • Two 30-minute lower body strength sessions per week
  • Each set will be accompanied by video and written cuing for each exercise.

Intentional Integration

  • Isolation exercises to improve range of motion, control and strength in all 3 planes of motion (hip flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, internal/external rotation) needed for an efficient running stride.
  • Integration to connect those pieces so that all the parts come together for a strong, powerful running stride.

This is where I see so many of get stuck. You either only do the isolation exercises and never progress because you don’t integrate the pieces OR follow the “just lift heavy” for you squats, deadlifts and lunges (which is sexy on IG right now) and struggle to progress because you never truly prioritized the foundations that make these integrated exercises really work for you.

You need both! They work together with intentional integration and purposeful progression!

Purposeful Progression

  • 8 weeks of workouts that purposefully build on each other
  • Education and explicit guidance for when to progress to meet your body where you are


8 Weeks of Progressive Workouts:

  • Two 30-minute lower body strength sessions per week
  • Each set will be accompanied by video and written cuing for each exercise.
  • Purposefully progressed over 8 weeks

Training Fundamentals To Support the Work You Are Doing:

  • Short (less than 10 minutes), educational video each week
  • Provides you with the basic understanding of your body in the context of the workout programming so that you can get the most out of the work you are putting in

Easily Accessible Wherever Works For You:

  • On your computer
  • Through the mobile friendly browser
  • A free app on your device


  • Lifetime access

  • Two 30-minute workouts per week for 8 weeks
  • Intentionally progressed exercises for strong & stable hips
  •  Video guided and written cuing for all exercises

  • Education and explicit guidance for when to progress to meet your body where you are

PAY IN FULL ($247)


Alison Marie Helms, PhD.

Women's Running and Strength Coach


​I'm a PhD engineer, teacher, NASM certified personal trainer, UESCA certified running coach, self-proclaimed running nerd, and creator of the Women's Running Academy.

I’ve been a runner for 30 years and started my professional career in the industry over a decade ago through my own search for answers when my body felt like garbage after having my first baby.


The little aches and pains from my running past turned into bigger aches and pains, sidelining injuries, and the need to always wear black shorts to races (if you know what I mean).


Having babies brought to light some biomechanical inefficiencies. I firmly believe these inefficiencies were holding me back from reaching my full potential well before my childbearing years. For many women like myself the stress of pregnancy simply reveals the “invisible ink” that was there all along. Addressing those inefficiencies not only eliminated my symptoms, it made me a stronger, more efficient, and more powerful runner overall.


Since then I’ve helped many women just like you do the same!



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